This is Cornwall

Monday, May 14, 2007

I didn't start the fire...

Dear visitor, here you can witness a visit of the Russian ambassador Jörginski "guitaros aeros" Bindrov and his apprentice Estrolga "starus karaokulus" Granadov

Truro night life

The experience of a lifetime: the girls meet Snoopy!! (and he's completely pissed!)

And this is what Snoopy saw!!


Dudu and Ester celebrating the first two hours of Easter holidays and a dozen of Becks.

The last king of Bavaria

Once upon a time, in a forest far far away, klein Hansiline lived happily without knowing that one day he would be...the last king of Bavaria!!! ta,ta,ta

Esterilla's very special guest


Friday, May 11, 2007

the girls

....and of course the girls

...Stefanie, Eli and Katrin

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ester can't get enough of Germans. So especially for Ester... the rest of the Bavarians

Half a Bob
Johannes and Johanna

Teresa and Alex in Tintagel

Thomas in the mountains

Thomas and Kathrin at Jamie Oliver's

Lisa is lost